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How To Donate

There are many ways you can support Francis Holland, Regent’s Park at a level to suit you.

All donations go to the Francis Holland Schools Trust which is the educational charity which manages both Francis Holland Schools, however your donation will only be used for projects within Francis Holland, Regent’s Park.

If you would like to discuss these options further please contact the Development Office via email.

Please note that a maximum amount of £2,500 can be made in a single transaction via these forms. For donations above this amount, please donate directly by BACS transfer – details are below.

Regular Donation
Single Donation

Bank (BACS) Transfer

Please transfer your gift to Francis Holland Schools Trust:

Address: Natwest Bank, 2 Sloane Gardens, London, SW1W 8DL
Sort code: 60-19-26
Account number: 23725168
Reference: [Your full name] RP Fund
Swift/BIC Code: NWBK GB2L
IBAN Number: GB06NWBK60192623725168

To allow us to maximise the value of your donation please fill out the Gift Aid declaration form. Please include any specific instructions and requests as to how you would like your donation to be spent or contact us via email to discuss with the Development Manager.

You can donate by cheque or CAF made payable to Francis Holland Schools Trust and send to

Development Office, 35 Bourne Street, London, SW1W 8JA

Please include any specific instructions and requests as to how you would like your donation to be spent or contact us to discuss with the Development Manager.

Please transfer your gift to Francis Holland Schools Trust:

Address: Natwest Bank, 2 Sloane Gardens, London, SW1W 8DL
Sort code: 60-19-26
Account number: 23725168
Reference: [Your full name] RP Fund
Swift/BIC Code : NWBK GB2L
IBAN Number: GB06NWBK60192623725168

To allow us to maximise the value of your donation by claiming gift aid please fill out the Gift Aid declaration form.

To set up a regular standing order payment, please complete this form which includes instruction to your bank or building society to pay by standing order. It also includes a Gift Aid declaration to allow us to maximise the value of your gift.

You can donate to us in an easy and tax efficient way by giving through your pension or payroll with your employer’s payroll giving scheme. For example, a gift of £100 would cost you £78 after tax relief, or £60 if for a higher rate taxpayer. Your payroll or HR department will provide you with details where applicable. Simply indicate with your company that you would like to donate to us and your donation is taken before tax deduction.

Many employers offer a matched giving scheme where they match or sometimes double your donation. Please speak to your HR or Corporate Social Responsibility departments to find out if your company offers this support.

Giving via shares is one of the most tax efficient ways of making a charitable gift. If you would like to have a confidential conversation about making a gift of shares, please contact the Development Office.

Francis Holland School is a registered charity (charity number 312745). Gifts can be made tax-efficiently in the UK simply by completing the Gift Aid declaration form. You only need to do this once, and it will enables us to claim an additional 25% from the Government for your gift while higher rate tax-payers can themselves claim 20% tax relief on their gross donation.

You can find out more information on leaving a legacy to Francis Holland Regent’s Park below. To speak to someone at FHS about leaving a legacy or to let us know of a planned legacy gift, please complete this form and email it to us.

For those who recognise the value of their own experiences at Francis Holland Regent’s Park, a legacy is a way of providing opportunities for the next generation of girls. Leaving a legacy in your Will is a special and permanent way to support the future of the school which has made an impact on the lives of so many.

All legacies we receive will go towards continuing the development of our Bursary Programme, unless you would like to support another project within the school. All legacy gifts, of whatever type and size, will allow FHS to have a lasting and profound effect on the lives of future generations of girls, whatever their financial circumstances.

If you have any enquiries about leaving a legacy please contact the Development Office on 020 7824 5022 or via email development@fhs-nw1.org.uk

Leaving a gift in your will is straight forward and highly tax-efficient. As a registered charity, a bequest to the Francis Holland Schools Trust is free of Inheritance Tax so your gift can reduce the amount of your estate liable for tax. It is also free of Capital Gains and Income Tax. Please check the HMRC website for more details.

To make sure your gift will reach us, it is very important to include the full name and charity number in your will (Francis Holland Schools Trust: 312745). If you have already made your will you can make an alteration to it e.g. adding a Codicil. If you would like to leave a legacy gift, we strongly recommend that you speak to your Solicitor who can advise about all steps of the process and the type of gift you should consider.

The examples below are a few of the types of gifts you can leave, with some suggested wording. However there are further ways to do so which your solicitor can advise on.

Pecuniary Legacy: A fixed amount of money

  • I give the sum of £___________ (pounds) free of tax to Francis Holland Schools Trust (Registered Charity No: 312745) of 35 Bourne Street, London SW1W 8JA.
  • I direct that the receipt of the duly authorised officer of Francis Holland Schools Trust shall be a sufficient discharge for my executor/trustees.

Specific Legacy: A Particular Item

  • I give my (short description of property given) free of tax to Francis Holland Schools Trust (Registered Charity No: 312745) of 35 Bourne Street, London SW1W 8JA.
  • I direct that the receipt of the duly authorised officer of Francis Holland Schools Trust shall be a sufficient discharge for my executor/trustees.

Residuary Legacy: The residue or part of the residue of your estate. This type of gift is the most beneficial because a percentage of your estate, rather than a fixed amount, will retain its value.

  • I give _____________ share of my real and personal property not herby or by any codicil hereto specifically disposed of after payment of my debts, pecuniary and specific legacies, funeral and administration expenses and any taxes in respect of my estate to Francis Holland Schools Trust (Registered Charity No: 312745) of 35 Bourne Street, London SW1W 8JA. A Pecuniary gift: a specific amount of money.
  • I direct that the receipt of the duly authorised officer of Francis Holland Schools Trust shall be a sufficient discharge for my executor/trustees.

If you have any queries about leaving a legacy in your will to the Francis Holland Regent’s Park or would like to discuss leaving a legacy for a specific purpose other than bursaries, please contact the Development Office (development@fhs-nw1.org.uk) or complete this form

If you have already made a will and the only change you wish to make is a bequest to Francis Holland, you can do so by completing the codicil form. Simply complete this form, sign it in the presence of two witnesses and keep it with your existing will (but not attached to it).

Please do not try to change or add anything to your current will by crossing out or writing in new instructions as any changes will be invalid.

Thank you for supporting Francis Holland in this special way. It would be appreciated if you could tell us about your bequest by also completing the Legacy Pledge Form and returning it to the Development Office by simply writing ‘Freepost DEVELOPMENT AND ALUMNI OFFICE’ on any envelope or send to : Development Office, 35 Bourne Street, London SW1W 8JA or by email to development@fhs-nw1.org.uk

If you have not yet made a will, you might wish to contact a solicitor for advice. If you do not have a solicitor, The Law Society can advise of firms in your area; telephone +44 (0)20 7242 1222 or visit their website: www.lawsociety.org.uk

The Society of Trusts and Estate Practitioners (STEP) also has details of solicitors in England and Wales who specialise in this area; telephone +44 (0)20 7838 4890.

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