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Our provision of bursary awards has always been a priority to the Trust, and over the years we are delighted that so many girls have been able to benefit from a Francis Holland, Regent’s Park, education despite their financial circumstances.
Foundation Scholar awards (full fees awards) are aimed at widening access to a Francis Holland, Regent’s Park, education and are typically offered at Year 7 and on entry to the Sixth Form and are reviewed annually. The Award allows parents to access means-tested bursary support up to 100% of fees for a day pupil. Our decisions about the award of bursaries take account of a number of factors, including:
- The individual talents and ability of the girl
- The overall financial circumstances of the fee payers, both income and assets
- The family circumstances of the applicant
- The financial position of the Trust
Guidance on the award of financial support for prospective Francis Holland parents can be foundĀ here.
We are aware that applying for a place and undergoing means-testing can at times seem daunting, and would like to support any prospective parents during this process.
PleaseĀ email the team and we would be delighted to set up a call to discuss your application. Please note that we also offer remission on a third of the fees on places offered to daughters of the clergy and means-tested partial awards.
Francis Holland, Regent’s Park, is also part of the London Fee Assistance Consortium, along with a number of other independent schools. Full details of this can be found here.
For further information and help with individual queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Bursar on +44 (0)20 7730 8359 (from 9.00am to 5.00pm daily) orĀ emailĀ us.