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Religious Studies

The Religious Studies Department at FHS encourages pupils to adopt an enquiring approach to life through reflection upon theological, philosophical and ethical questions.

We want our students to develop an interest and enthusiasm for the study of religion. We hope that in doing so they will develop an attitude of respect and understanding for the beliefs and practices of all religions. FHS has an Anglican Foundation, and so great weight is placed on the Christian principles of inclusion and the expression of concern and care for all human beings.Ā 

Third to Upper Fourth Forms

Pupils are introduced to the phenomenon of religion and religious belief and consider the reasons for religious belief. They have the opportunity to reflect upon their own responses to issues such as the existence of suffering and evil, the relationship between religion and science and the ethics of peace and justice; and consider the responses of major world religions to these issues. They make a systematic study of Christianity and are introduced to the tenets of Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. At the end of Upper Fourth, the girls may opt to do GCSE Religious Studies.


The Department follows the AQA specification for Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics

A systematic study of the beliefs and practices of Christianity and Islam take place throughout the course, examining concepts such as the nature of God, beliefs about the afterlife and the authority of religious figures and holy books. This provides the groundwork for the study of philosophy and ethics, where issues such as crime and punishment, abortion and euthanasia and the value of humans and the world are studied. It is an exciting course which allows big questions to be considered, and the importance of religion in the world to be valued.

A Level

The Department follows the OCR specification for Religious Studies (Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Religious Development). Students are taught for three separate papers; Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Religious Thought. The papers are all linked, and information, knowledge and skills are able to be transferred between them. This course offers an exciting variety of themes; examining ethical theories and their application to current issues in euthanasia and business ethics; arguments and challenges to support belief in God; and developments in theology such as feminist issues and religious pluralism. The course offers an insight into global issues in religion, and allows challenging questions to be examined.

The department run a Philosophy Society and Amnesty International Group and are helped by the Sixth Form President of these clubs. They are open to all year groups.

Other activities have included:

  • Two workshops run by the Jewish Museum, one focused on the Kindertransport, and the second on migration
  • A talk by Jonathan Aitkin, who spoke of his experiences in the criminal justice system and his time as a priest
  • A speaker who has worked in the criminal justice system for almost 20 years, working in the prison system and then in the probation service. This was to complement the GCSE ethics unit focused on crime and punishment
  • Revision sessions run by Libby Ahluwalia, author of A-Level textbooks

Miss J Farthing – Head of Department
Miss C Bere – Assistant Head Teaching and Learning
Mrs S Bexon – RS Teacher and Church Coordinator
Ms C Tambe- RS Teacher

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