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Physical Education (and Sport)

Physical Education at Francis Holland is about teaching pupils a broad, balanced sports programme which prepares pupils for a lifelong involvement and love for sport and physical activity.

We aim to promote confidence, health and wellbeing through a comprehensive curriculum of physical activities. Our sports programme complements our philosophy and encourages all pupils to try something new and develop their talents whilst enabling many pupils to compete against some of the top schools in London.

Keep up-to-date with fixtures and sports news using our dedicated sportsĀ website.

III (Year 7)

Girls participate in three periods of PE a week; three one hour lessons. The activities change each term but throughout the year include netball, hockey, athletics, football, cricket, tennis, gymnastics, dance and health-related fitness. All Thirds, take part in the Gym and Dance Display in the Spring Term, performing a dance routine they have learnt in their lessons.

LIV (Year 8)

Girls have three lessons of PE a week; one double lesson and two single lessons. The activities change each term but throughout the year include netball, hockey, athletics, football, cricket, tennis, gymnastics, dance and health related fitness.

UIV (Year 9)

Girls have three lessons of PE a week; one double lesson and two single lessons. The activities change each term but throughout the year include netball, hockey, athletics, football, cricket, tennis, volleyball and water polo.

LV (Year 10)

Girls have two lessons of PE a week; one double lesson and one single lesson. For the double lesson girls are taught in a carousel of activities including netball, hockey, athletics, football, fencing, cricket, tennis, rock climbing and various other sports.

UV (Year 11)

Girls have two lessons of PE a week; one double lesson and one single lesson. The girls enjoy an array of activities including netball, hockey, football, cricket, tennis, yoga and various other sports.

Physical Education at GCSE level is an exciting and challenging subject which aims to develop practical and theoretical competence, and to promote lifelong sporting participation and a love of sport. Pupils acquire an important understanding of healthy and active lifestyles. They also learn about sports physiology and participation levels, investigating the human body before, during and after exercise. The course involves theory and practical elements and pupils are assessed in both. Pupils wishing to take GCSE PE should be participating in at least one sport outside of school.

GCSE Physical Education explores the importance of a healthy, active and happy lifestyle, which underpins success in any career and in life. The challenging and stimulating theoretical and practical work often inspires pupils to pursue their love of sport to a higher level. It will also help pupils to prepare and execute sport and specific training programmes mastered to their specific needs. Sports Science is a very popular degree course at university. There are many careers which can involve sport including teaching, journalism and branches of the medical and legal professions.

Students in the Sixth Form take part in a carousel of activities across their one-hour lesson per week. Choices range from netball, yoga, boxing, football, dance and various other sports. The PE Department is committed to establishing a lifelong passion for sports. We hope that the girls will continue to value its importance long after they have left Francis Holland Regent’s Park.

16+ Sport scholarships are available to students entering Year 12 who demonstrate excellent achievement and success, either as an all-rounder or in particular disciplines. After a written application, a selection of girls are invited to a scholarship assessment day. More information is available here.

  • Mr A Gough ā€“ Director of Sport
  • Miss L Herrera
  • Miss C Mahieu
  • Ms M Merrigan
  • Mrs B Percy
  • Mr T Gall
  • Ms J Tucker

Our annual Gym and Dance Display in an opportunity for our athletes and performers to take to the floor to showcase their talents. Beginner, intermediate and advanced gym squads perform routines as well as a variety of dance groups including street dance. All Thirds (Year 7s) perform a dance routine which they have learnt in their PE lessons. Take a look at our highlights video…

Sports Day takes place at Finsbury Park and is a highly-anticipated event in the FHS calendar! Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Neptune battle it out in track and field events to win the Sports Day trophy. Watch the highlights videos to find who was victorious…

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