
“Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.” – Albert Einstein

At Francis Holland Regent’s Park, we recognise the importance for pupils to learn Mathematics with a thorough and secure understanding. Our incredibly dedicated Maths department use an integrated approach to teaching, stressing the connections and relationships among topics and concepts. We have high expectations of what our pupils will achieve which goes hand in hand with the friendly, collaborative and supportive classroom ethos. Our aim is for every pupil to leave her Mathematics classroom, looking forward to the next lesson!

Mathematics is a successful subject at FHRP. It is a very popular A Level subject in the Sixth Form and results are excellent. We are currently running three A Level groups including Further Mathematics.

Mathematics is a compulsory subject up to UV (Year 11) and all pupils are entered for the AQA GCSE Qualification. To extend our top mathematicians, we often enter them for the AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics which introduces many A Level topics. Pupils are set in Mathematics from Year 8.

In the first four years, pupils are assessed regularly in order to support their knowledge retention and complete a larger assessment once per term to determine their areas of strength and required improvement. The UV sit an examination paper as a ā€˜mockā€™ examination in January in preparation for their public examination in the summer.


In III and LIV (Years 7 and 8), we use Oxfordā€™s Discovering Maths 1c and 2c textbooks which have been written for pupils who are working towards National Curriculum Level 6 and 7, though Level 5 work is first consolidated and developed further.


In UIV, LV and UV (Years 9, 10 and 11) we follow the GCSE Higher tier for the AQA examination board.


Students follow the linear Edexcel A Level syllabus. Students studying for the single Mathematics qualification study both Mechanics and Statistics alongside Pure Mathematics for five periods a week. The Further Mathematics students also study Mechanics, Statistics and Pure Mathematics, but for ten periods a week and will take exams for two qualifications at the end of two years of study.

All girls studying mathematics sit the UK Mathematics Challenge each year:

  • Junior Mathematical Challenge (UK Year 8 and below)
  • Intermediate Mathematical Challenge (UK Year 11 and below)
  • Senior Mathematical Challenge (UK Year 13 and below)
  • The top scoring 40% of the entrants receive bronze, silver or gold certificates based on their mark in the paper

We have a weekly Junior Mathematics Club for III-UIV (Years 7-9), where pupils are exposed to a wide range of problem-solving techniques. We support them in preparation for the Junior Team Challenge in Spring, where we nominate two teams of 4 students to compete.

Similarly, we have a weekly Senior Mathematics Club for students in LV-UVI (Years 10-13) to collaborate on extended problems. The club exposes students to a range of problems and lectures beyond the confines of the GCSE and A Level syllabus. We usually enter one team of 4 to participate in the Senior Team Challenge in the Autumn term.

Additionally, we run a weekly Chess Club open to all pupils.

The Department has five dedicated Mathematics classrooms. All teachers within the Mathematics department make use of the digital inking feature of their Surface Pro, so Mathematics is produced in real time in the classroom. Modelling and explanations are clear, enabling students to visualise teacher thinking. Students often use their surfaces in the classroom to engage in activities on graphing software, such as Desmos, Autograph and Geogebra, as well as complete quizzes and collaborate on shared whiteboards.

Resources are shared via OneNote and SharePoint at every level and we produce a Mathematics Reading list, with books available at the library, to ensure pupils can look at the subject from a wider perspective. Students at A Level receive a physical copy of the Edexcel textbooks, along with digital access.

As well as the UK Maths Challenges, Maths students are stretched and challenged with external visits.

Each year a group of our Year 9 girls get the opportunity to attend Mathematics or Engineering Masterclasses for six Saturdays at the Royal Institution. These sessions have covered such diverse topics as navigating by the sun through to the engineering behind the foundations of Portcullis House in Westminster. Every year the Sixth Form mathematicians attend a Maths Inspiration lecture with inspirational speakers such as Matt Parker and Hannah Fry.

Miss E Morgan – Head of Mathematics and Oxbridge Co-ordinator

Mr W Rocke – Deputy Head of Mathematics

Mrs C Riviere – Teacher of Mathematics

Miss N Murugan – Mathematics Key Stage 3 Co-ordinator

Miss F Smith – Teacher of Mathematics

Mr C O’Flanagan – Teacher of Mathematics

Mr C Maher – Teacher of Mathematics and Physics

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