On Tuesday 14th November the library was visited by fifth generation Londoner and author Lydia Syson, who delivered a talk to students as part of the ‘Work, Rest, Play Fortnight’.
Lydia is the author of three YA historical romances – A World Between Us, That Burning Summer and Liberty’s Fire – and is soon to publish her first adult novel. She spoke to us about how she strikes her own work-life balance before reading from her debut novel A World Between Us set during the Spanish Civil War. Opportunity was given for questions and a number were asked about the creative process from the construction of the plot to character development. Lydia also spoke about the kinds of historical documents and objects which inspired and informed her writing, a number of which she brought along with her for the girls to have a look at, including gas masks from the Cold War! It was an enjoyable and inspiring evening and we would like to thank Lydia Syson for visiting our school.