The Sixth form were privileged to hear the tales of Alex Hibbert, the record breaking polar explorer. He came well prepared, illustrating his talk with his giant orange arctic over suit and seal skin/bear fur gloves.  Interestingly, rather than talking of his successes, he emphasised how he had learnt much more from an expedition that had not gone to plan. Scuppered by a storm melting the sea ice, his team could have packed up in a sulk and gone home.

However, Alex is always on the lookout for new challenges and this was no exception.  He and his team negotiated with the local Inuit village to learn how to manage a team of sled dogs.  No easy task, it wasn’t until they had traversed many hundreds of kilometres that they actually began to feel at all proficient.  The dogs were marvellous, Alex and his team felt just a little of that bond that exists between living creatures that depend upon each for their existence. A totally enthralling presentation.

Jane Melchers, Assistant Head of Sixth Form