On Monday 26th April, we were honoured to welcome Simon Parker to restart our weekly lecture programme after a forced interruption due to Covid-19.
Simon has visited and reported from over 100 countries in the first 10 years of his career as a travel writer and journalist for The Telegraph and the BBC. Simon described how as a disengaged teenager he felt lost until he found his vocation in travelling, and managed to turn this into the job he loves. He shared some videos of his incredible adventures in the most remote and at times dangerous places in the world.
His passion for finding out about new places and cultures and his desire to continue to challenge himself and embark on new projects shone through and captivated the audience. Simon encouraged our students to “just say yes” to new opportunities and possibilities and stressed how life is all about trial and error, no one should refrain from doing the things they want to do simply because they don’t think they are good enough.
Our students asked some very thoughtful questions, and I am particularly grateful for his humble and honest answer regarding his mental struggle during the prolonged lockdown. We wish him all the best for his quest and next exciting projects.
Mr Gridelli
Head of Sixth Form