On Tuesday 15th March, Chloe Tartan, a DPhil student at the University of Oxford, gave an incredibly engaging (and amusing!) talk to the girls about women in science as part of British Science Week 2016.
Chloe has attended Imperial College London, UCL, University of Cambridge and is currently studying at the University of Oxford. She discussed what she has found to be the pros and cons of each University – one feature that stood out was the beautiful River Cam through Cambridge, although Chloe reminded the girls not to choose a University on its scenery alone! She then discussed her research in Photonics, highlighting the areas she was most interested in and the ways in which her interests had developed and narrowed over time.
Throughout her talk, Chloe highlighted and discussed the fact that there are relatively few women in the Science and Engineering industries. She encouraged the girls to not be put off by these figures but rather to strive to change them.
Overall, it was an incredibly inspiring talk with a wonderful message, and we can’t wait for the rest of Science Week!