On Saturday 20th April, a group of FHS students in Year 10 and Year 12 went to the Inner London Crown Court to participate in a Mock Trial Competition against many other schools from across London. We received two cases to prepare, and were allocated roles such as court clerks, ushers, barristers, jury members and witnesses. We had meetings with a professional barrister who gave us advice and helped us prepare our speeches and examinations. One of the cases entailed the unauthorised access to a laptop, and the other was about the alleged involvement of a man in a climate change protest. The barristers prepared opening speeches, closing speeches, cross examinations, and examinations in chief. On the day, we all got to perform our roles in the court in front of real judges in three rounds. After the three rounds, we got to have a Q&A with the judges, which was very interesting, granting us insight into the judges’ lives and how they got to where they are now. This mock trial was an incredible experience, providing us with insight into real court proceedings, which we are very grateful to Miss Willis for organising, and it is something we would recommend to anyone interested in debate, public speaking, and law.
Martha and Uma, Lower Sixth