On Friday 9th June, the LVI students attended the FHS Higher Education Day, a bespoke event designed to get students started with the university application process and their personal statements. In the morning, Ms Williams, the Director of Higher Education, enabled the students to register and open accounts on UCAS Hub. The students also completed forms to provide their tutors with rich reference material about their achievements and ambitions. Specialised breakout sessions followed on STEM degrees, international universities, degree apprenticeships and art schools. The afternoon was spent in the company of a visiting expert, the CEO of ‘Optimising Futures’, Jane Marshall who gave a lively and informative talk about Personal Statements and then an interactive workshop, where students shared ideas and discussed good practice ahead of writing their own statements this summer. The LVI were focused and efficient; our guest speaker commented that ‘they were such a brilliant group’.Ā The LVI Life Skills lessons for the next two weeks will follow on from this event with further resources on how to get started on Personal Statements.
Ms Williams, Director of Higher Education and Teacher of English