The first Jujiro career panel of 2019 was held on Tuesday 5th February, bringing together a wide variety of professional expertise from across the worlds of medicine, research and healthcare.

We were delighted to welcome alumnae Sophia Anderton and Diana Goldin, who joined parentsQuentin Lloyd-Harris and Tanya Thirkell to form Tuesday’s panel.

Each speaker brought with them a broad range of experience and knowledge from within their chosen field.

The four panellists discussed their careers to date in front of an attentive audience of pupils and parents. With their diverse range of expertise, they were able to impart some invaluable advice, where they discussed education, key skills, career pathways and the future of medicine and research. Despite their varied careers, all agreed that strong communication skills and resilience were necessary to navigate the often tough worlds of medicine and the healthcare professions.

 Jujiro Event Medical Career Panel