This Friday, our two LVI Engineering Teams attended the virtual event to celebrate the attainment of their Industrial Cadet Gold Awards. Now in its third year at FHS, the programme partners up teams of 4-6 LVI pupils with mentors in engineering companies, giving them a real-world engineering problem to solve over the course of 7 months. The program culminates with a written technical report, a model of their project and a presentation to a panel of external engineers. In addition to achieving their Gold Award, both teams were nominated for further prizes. Our team working with Ramboll was nominated for Best Teamwork, and our team working with PCS Instruments was nominated for Best Innovation. This is a national competition with close to 200 schools involved across the UK. Our teams hope to attend the Regional Celebration in Bath in June, where the final prizes will be announced. Fantastic work, FHS Engineers:
Alice Ustinova
Zainab Ahmed
Ella Newell
Nevis Dickson
Amelie Shaikh
Aoife Redmond
Chloe Martinez
Laila Naini
Kit Ideh
Sabrina Ahmud
Dr MacTavish, Head of Physics, Head of Digital Literacy