This Monday 6th February, we had the honour of meeting Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon when she came into school as part of the series of the Hale Lecture Series.
It was so amazing to meet such an influential woman in STEM and her talk was so interesting. That being said, I think that my favourite part of the talk was the Q&A because that was when we really got a chance to delve deeper into what we personally wanted to know. One of the questions I asked was about the future of technology and how AI is changing the work place and Anne-Marieās answer was an excellent one, touching on the development of AI to new levels and how this field is allowing more and more people to get into jobs programming them. I thought that her tips on what technological skills would be most handy for someone keen to go into STEM were very insightful, although she did stress that in such a constantly transforming industry it is impossible to know for sure what skills we will need.
Overall, it was an amazing talk and I am so glad that I got to meet and interview the woman who has achieved so many amazing things in her life.
Eliza Ascott, Upper Fifth