On Tuesday 25 February, the FHRP Classics Department hosted a Classics Symposium.

We were joined by students from a number of different schools including St Marylebone, Woodhouse College, Wimbledon High and Channing. We were fortunate enough to hear talks from two leading Classical scholars: Professor Melissa Lane, from Princeton University, and Classicist and author Dr Daisy Dunn.

Professor Lane spoke to us about the issue of accountability for those in power. She discussed Platoā€™s Republic, and whether the ideas about political accountability in this important 5th century Greek text do, or should, apply to modern political issues. Dr Daisy Dunn entertained and inspired us with examples of real women from the ancient world, from sportswomen to poets, in a talk based on her new bookĀ The Missing Thread.

Symposium attendees had the exciting opportunity to ask both speakers questions, and to purchase signed copies of Daisyā€™s book after her talk. 160 people attended the Symposium in total, making for a wonderful celebration of Classics!