To start Classics Week off with a bang, award-winning writer, broadcaster and classicist Natalie Haynes came to give a talk on her new book, Stone Blind, where she discusses literature and arts treatment of Medusa and female monsters.
This was followed by my mythical monsters hosting a balloon debate, where different mythical characters had to convince the room why they should remain on a hot air balloon. Arachne won, after persuasively saying she could patch up any hole in the balloon.
The final, and much-anticipated event of Classics Week will take place next Friday: a symposium where Professor Robin Osborne (King’s College, Cambridge) will give a talk on “Song, Sex and Wine: The Unruliness of Women in Greek Sanctuaries” and Professor Caroline Vout (Christ’s College, Cambridge) will give a talk on “The Ugliness of Ancient Art”.
The event is open to all teachers and students with an interest in Classical subjects and is recommended for pupils in Year 10 and above. Tickets are still available here for FREE, and we would love to welcome as many teachers and students from other schools as possible. Spread the word!
Claudia Sutton, Lower Sixth