Thirds Trip to PGL Windmill Hill
At the start of this week, our Thirds embarked on an exciting residential trip to PGL Windmill Hill. The adventure-filled getaway was designed to [...]
At the start of this week, our Thirds embarked on an exciting residential trip to PGL Windmill Hill. The adventure-filled getaway was designed to [...]
This week we welcomed the return visit of Bob Tait from DREDuk - a drug education charity. It is imperative that we educate our [...]
Today at Francis Holland, Regent's Park, our pupils proudly wore their jeans in support of Jeans for Genes Day, standing together to make a [...]
On Thursday 23rd November, our Head Girl's Team enjoyed a vibrant lunch in the Hall at Ivor Place with younger year groups. Each member [...]
On Wednesday at breaktime, hoards of Thirds and Lower Fifths flocked to the Senior Hall at break, excited to catch up with their buddies [...]
"Show of hands, who's heard of Empathy Day?" An awkward silence followed; students shifted in their seats and teachers looked apprehensive - the assembly, [...]
Yesterday evening, we hosted our first Friendly Fifths Dinner: a very special black tie supper to thank the Lower Fifth for being such fantastic [...]
We are absolutely delighted that FHS has been reported as ‘Excellent’ in pupils’ academic and other achievements and pupils’ personal development, as well as meeting [...]