Continuing our weekly Sixth Form lectures, we were pleased to welcome alumna Amy Currell in on Monday 16th January.

Amy Currell left school in 2005 to study History at Sheffield University. She knew from an early age that she wanted to pursue a career in photography and, after completing work experience with an established photographer, she worked for him for three years before setting up her own business.

As an established still life photographer experienced in working with some top brands, Amy gave an insightful talk into making it in the photography industry. She described her university and career journey, demonstrating how perseverance and ingenuity were key to her success, as well as talent, practice and professionalism.

Following the talk, our students posed some great questions, gaining useful advice in succeeding in the creative industries as well as more general advice for forging a successful and happy career. There was much buzz between the girls after the lecture discussing the tips they had just learnt.

Thank you to Amy for giving up her valuable time to speak to the girls.