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Francis Holland is committed to providing a service to the local and wider community.
In particular, one of the Trust’s key objectives is to offer a top class education to children who would not otherwise be able to afford it. Our provision of bursary awards has always been a priority to the Trust and over the years we are delighted that so many girls have been able to benefit from a Francis Holland education, despite their financial circumstances.
Bursary awards are typically offered at Year 7 and on entry to the Sixth Form and are reviewed annually. Our decisions about the award of bursaries take account of a number of factors, including:
- The individual talents and ability of the girl
- The overall financial circumstances of the fee payers, both income and assets
- The family circumstances of the applicant
- The financial position of the Trust
Remission on a third of the fees is available to places offered to daughters of the clergy.
Guidance on the award of financial support for prospective Francis Holland parents can be found here.
Francis Holland is also part of the London Fee Assistance Consortium, along with a number of other independent schools, full details can be found here. For further information and help with individual queries please do not hesitate to contact The Bursar on +44 (0)20 7730 8359 (from 9.00am to 5.00pm daily) or via email.
More information about giving to our Bursary Fund can be found here.